IMPORTANT SAFETYPRECAUTIONS ......................................... "................. 1
BEFOREYOU BEGIN ...................................................................... 2
ASSEMBLY............................................................................. 3
ADJUSTING THE CROSS TRAINERe .......................................................... 8
OPERATING THE STEPPERCONSOLE ......................................................... 10
OPERAllNG THE PERSONALTRAINER COMPUTER............................................... 11
Calories ............................................................................ 12
EXERCISEGUIDE........................................................................ 16
TROUBLE-SHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE .................................................. 25
ORDERING REPLACEMENTPARTS..................................................... Back Cover
UMITEDWARRANTY ................................................................ Back Cover
WARNING: To _luce the risk of seriousinjury, read the following important safety precauffonsbefore usingthe
CROSSTRAINERe. Before beginning any exercise program, consultyour physician. Thisis especially important for
personsover the age of 35 or personswith pre-exisHnghealthproblems.SEARSassumesno responsibilityfor person-
al injury or properly damage sustainedby or through the useof this product.
1. Read thisowner's manual and the accompanyingFITNESSJOURNAL carefullybefore usingthe CROSSTRAINERe.
Usethe CROSSTRAINERe only as described.
2. Inspectand tighten all paris each Hmeyou use Ihe CROSSTRAINERe. Repla_:eany worn paris immediately.
3. Donotusethe h'ansformerif itisdamaged. Keepthe powercordaway fromwalkwaysandheatedsurfaces.
4. Keep your hands away from moving ports. Always wear athletic shoesfor foot protection.
5. Keep smallchildren away from the CROSSTRAINER• at all times.
6.- Topreventdamage to the weight system,do not put any pressureon the leg developer, arms or cableswhile the
weight setllngis changing.If the lot bar or rower bar is attachedto the high pulleystotion,restitin therack nearthe
high pulley station.(SeeOPERATINGTHEPERSONALTRAINERCOMPUTERonpage 11 of thisowner's manual).
7. Always standon the foot plate when performing any exercise that could causethe CROSSTRAINERe to tip.
8. Make sure that the cables remaln in the groovesin the pulleys as you usethe CROSSTIU_NERe.
9. The resistancecylindersbecome very hot during use.Allow the resistancecylindersto coolbefore touching
them. Cover the floor beneath the stepperfor protection;a small amountof oil leakage isnormal for hydraulic
cylinders. When usingthe stepper, keep your feet on the pedalsat all times. If you lift your feet off the pedals,
the pedalsmay become separated from the resistancecylinders,resultingin iniury.
10. If you feel pain or dizzinessat any timewhile exercising, stopimmediately and begin cooling down. Findout
what iswrong before continuing.