Referta adjustment4 on page 9 of thisowner's manual. Attach thestrap to the low
pulleystation.Stand with your side toward theCROSS TRAINERe, place one foot on
the foot plate and bend forward as shown. Hold thestrap with an overhand grip
with your arm at your side. Keep your back straight. Raisethe strap to the side until
your hand islevel with your shoulder.Return to thestartingposition.
Q. DEAD LIFT (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles af[ected:quadriceps
Refer to adjustment4 on Page 9 of thisowner!smanual. Attach the lat bar to the low
pulley station.Stand with your feet on the foot plate and bend your knees as shown.
Hold the lat bar with an overhand grip. Keep your head up and your arms and back
straight.Liftthelat bar by straighteningyour legs. Returntothe startingposition.
R. HIPADDUCTION (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles affected:adductor, gluteusmedlus
Referto adjustment4 on Page 9 of thisowner's manual. Attach the strapto the low
pulley station.Stand with your side toward theCROSS TRAINERe with one foot on
thefoot plate. Insertyour inside leg intothe strap. Keep your back straight. Keep
your leg straightand move it to the sideas Faras Passible. Returnto thestarting
FRONT KICK (15-125 Lbs.)
Musclesaffeded: hip flexors, sartorius
Referto adjustment4 on Page 9 of this owner's manual. Attach the strap ta the low
pulleystation.Stand facing away from the CROSS TRAINER• with one heel on the
foot plate. Insertone leg into the strap. Keep your leg straightand moveit away from
theCROSS TRAINERe as for as Passible. Returnto thestartingposition.
MusclesAffe_ed: quadHceps, hip extensors
(Note: Do notinclude thisexercise in workoutscreatedwith the PERSONALTRAINER
computer.When the STEPPERisused, thestepper consolewill provide feedback.)
Referta adjustment1 on page 8 of this owner's manual. Hold the stepperhandle and
begin stepping,alternately pressingthe leftand right pedals down with a smooth,
continuousmation.-a continuousmotion mustbe maintained or both pedals will sink
to the floor.Adjustthe stepping resistanceif necessary.