● A very small portion of the population has a condition which may cause them to ex-
perience epileptic seizures or have momentary loss of consciousness when viewing cer-
tain kinds of flashing lights or patterns that are present in our daily environment. These
persons may experience seizures while watching some kinds of television pictures or
playing certain video games. People who have not had any previous seizures may
nonetheless have an undetected epileptic condition.
● If you or anyone in your family has experienced symptoms linked to an epileptic con-
dition (e.g., seizures or loss of awareness), immediately consult your physician before
using any video games.
● We recommend that parents observe their children while they play video games. If
you or your child experience the following symptoms: dizziness, altered vision, eye or
muscle twitching, involuntary movements, loss of awareness, disorientation, or convul-
sions, DISCONTINUE USE IMMEDIATELY and consult your physician.
● Immediately stop such violent acts as hitting and kicking the product. Such violent
acts can cause parts damage or falling down, resulting in injury due to fragments and
falling down.
● Do not put any heavy item on this product. Placing any heavy item on the product
can cause a falling down accident or parts damage.
● Do not climb on the product. Climbing on the product can cause falling down ac-
cidents. To check the top portion of the product, use a step.
● To avoid electric shock, check to see if door & cover parts are damaged or omitted.
● To avoid electric shock, short circuit and or parts damage, do not put the following
items on or in the periphery of the product.
Flower vases, flowerpots, cups, water tanks, cosmetics, and receptacles/containers/
vessels containing chemicals and water.
To avoid injury and trouble, be sure to constantly give careful attention to the behavior and manner of the
visitors and players.
● To avoid injury and accidents, those who fall under the following categories are not
allowed to play the game.
• Those who have experienced muscle convulsion or loss of consciousness when playing
video game, etc.
• Intoxicated persons.
• Persons whose act runs counter to the product's warning displays.
● To avoid injury resulting from falling down and electric shock due to spilled drinks,
instruct the player not to place heavy items or drinks on the product.
● To avoid electric shock and short circuit, do not allow customers to put hands and
fingers or extraneous matter in the openings of the product or small openings in or
around the doors.
● To avoid falling down and injury resulting from falling down, immediately stop the
customer's leaning against or climbing on the product, etc.