Factory reset setting is used to clear any accumulated superball or capsule wins which may have
accumulated in a game that has run out of prizes. The operator turns off the power to the game, sets this set-
ting and returns the power which resets the game and clears any unpaid prizes. The operator then turns the
power off, returns the setting to ‘Normal’ and resumes play.
The game is tested simply by opening the door and actuating the door switch located at the upper
right hand corner of the insice of the playfield door. Depressing this switch and holding it in emulates a
‘door closed’ condition. The game is designed to, upon ‘door closed’ after filling stock, etc., run the auger
motor, run the superball motor, cycle the displays, flash the playfield lamps, and draw back the ball release
plunger in order to insure each of these devices are working. All of these internal game tests can be ob-
served by simply actuating the switch when the door is open and holding it until the game music is heard
[game attract mode comes on following the test].
The only switches which cannot be tested are the playfield optos. These switches can only be veri
fied by removing the front glass to access the playfield and then playing a game [crediting the game up to
start a game] and then one by one, passing an object through the optos to verify the switch closure which is
indicated by the flashing score at the switch location.
In the door open test mode, the playfield lamps will be cycling [verifying lamps]
holding the door switch closed will:
1- Operate the auger in the up motion followed by the down motion until the next prize capsule
reaches the capsule read switch. When a capsule has reached the switch and the switch is made, then
a ‘Beep-Beep’ sound effect is heard to verify the action of the switch.
2- Following the auger test, the superball mechanism will operate until a superball is dispensed,
indicated by a ‘slide whistle’ sound effect which verifies the superball dispense switch actuation.
3- The ball release coil will withdraw and release the ball.
In summary, the game performs a test of it’s own each time the game door is opened to say, fill stock
or take meter readings. If an operator wants to monitor this test, then the test can be performed by holding
the door switch closed and watching each individual test cycle through.
Game Test