Parameter List
TPG60 User Manual 79
Table 8: Parameter List - ThinPrint®
Parameter Description Default Value
tp_port ThinPrint® port number 4000 1 - 65535
[5 characters, 0-9]
tp_clientid Client ID as stored in the
database of the Connection
0 0 - 2147483647
[10 characters, 0-9]
tp_authkey Authentication key as stored in
the database of the Connection
0 0 - 2147483647
[10 characters, 0-9]
tp_bandwidth Enables/disables the
bandwidth value of the
ThinPrint® port (client side)
off on/off
tp_bandwidthval Bandwidth in bit/second (bit/s)
used to decrease the
bandwidth limit on the
ThinPrint® port (client side).
25600 1600 - 1000000
[7 characters, 0-9]
tp_conservice Enables/disables the .print
Connection Service
off on/off
tp_conserver IP address of the server on
which the Connection Service
is installed
tp_conport Port number used by the
TPG60 to communicate with
the Connection Service
4001 1 - 65535
[5 characters, 0-9]
tp_retry Interval (in seconds) for
connection retries if the
Connection Service is not
120 5 - 6000
[4 characters, 0-9]
tp_keepalive Interval (in seconds) for
refreshing the connection to the
Connection Service.
The value has to be lower or
equal than the 'KeepAliveTO'
parameter of the .print
Connection Service (server
60 30 - 180
[3 characters, 0-9]
spage_printer ID of the status page printer 1 1 - 6
[1 characters, 1-6]