• ON ~ The power is ON and the REBOOT function is disabled. Incoming calls cannot initiate a remote reboot. LED
is ON.
• OFF ~ A REBOOT is in progress. The power is currently OFF as part of the off>delay>on reboot cycle. Power will
turn back on within 30 seconds. The LED is solid OFF.
The purpose of the STATUS LED is to validate the unit is operating, provide a visual indication of the current phone line
condition, and, in the Power-ON Mode, to announce the power has been activated remotely at least once since the last
manual power off. Following are the possible states for the S
ALL Operating Modes
The STATUS LED, in all operating modes, will reflect activity on the phone line. It will provide a visual indication of the
telephone company RING signal and also indicate if the line is in use (OFF-HOOK) by either the M
ODEM or AUX port
device. The ON-HOOK or idle state will vary with to the Operating Mode. For the examples below, a standard
telephone company six-second ring pattern (2 seconds of RING, four seconds of silence between rings) is assumed:
• RING ~ While the line is ringing the STATUS LED will alternate between ON and flashing fast.
During the actual RING the LED will be fully illuminated. A standard ring pattern will keep the light on for two full
ON during RING - 2 seconds
Between each ring the LED will flash fast. This is equivalent to the four second gap of silence that occurs before the
next ring. The LED will illuminate 4x per second:
Fast flash between rings - 4 seconds.
1/8 second ON - 1/8 second OFF
• OFF-HOOK ~ While the line is in use (the modem or auxiliary device has gone off-hook), the STATUS LED will
flash slowly:
2 seconds ON - 2 seconds OFF
Remote Power On/Off Appendix A | LED Activity • 37