• Check position U2 on your unit. This is the location of the ROM chip. Is the ROM chip in a socket
(removable), or is the ROM chip soldered directly to the circuit board (not removable)?
• Check position R14 on your unit. Does R14 contain a resistor, similar to the following picture?
NOTE: Color of resistor and stripes may vary.
If the ROM is in a socket
and R14 does not contain a resistor, then your unit is fully compatible with any available
Upgrade Kit. Proceed to order the desired kit or continue with the upgrade by proceeding to the next section titled
Upgrade Instructions.
If the ROM chip is soldered directly to the circuit board, or R14 contains a resistor, then you must call Server Technology
to arrange to have the unit sent in for a hardware upgrade. Specifically, the ROM will need to be removed and a socket
added and/or the resistor will need to be removed and replaced with a simple jumper wire. Server Technology will
charge a small fee for this service in addition to the cost of the desired Upgrade Kit. Refer to the Warranty & Support
section of this manual for instructions on obtaining a Return Merchandise Authorization to have the unit updated if your
unit's ROM is not removable and/or R14 contains a resistor. Be ready to provide the necessary information with respect
to the status of the ROM chip at position U2 and whether or not a resistor is present at position R14.
Upgrade Instructions
In addition to the #1 Phillips-head screwdriver required to open the Power On/Off +Aux control unit, you will also need
to have a chip puller or a small flat-blade screwdriver for removing the original ROM at position U2 (see picture on
previous page). Follow these instructions:
1) If you have not already done so, start by disconnecting power and all other cable connections from the Power On/Off
+Aux control unit. Remove the four screws on the bottom of the unit and remove the top half of the unit.
2) If possible, take measures to properly gound oneself, prior to proceeding, in order to avoid static discharge problems.
3) Identify ROM position U2 using the picture on the previous page. Use a chip puller or a small flat-blade screwdriver
and carefully remove the original ROM by pulling it straight up with the chip puller. If using a small flat-blade
screwdriver, pry the ROM lose by getting the blade between the ROM and the socket while avoiding direct contact with
the circuit board. Alternate between both ends of the ROM by prying in small steps until the original ROM is free from
the socket.
Remote Power On/Off Appendix D | Upgrade Kits • 61