Chapter 4 Troubleshooting & Repair Series 220/221 Instruction Manual
Column One Hidden Diagnostics Values
• f = vortex shedding frequency (Hz).
• fi = adaptive filter – should be approximately 25% higher than
the vortex shedding frequency, this is a low-pass filter.
• G = gain (applied to vortex signal amplitude). Gain changes
from 333.3 (at a weak signal) to 100.0, then 33.3, then 10.0,
then 3.3, then 1.0 as the flow rate increases.
• A = A to D counts (vortex signal amplitude). This value
ranges from about 200 to 4000. It also increases as the flow
rate increases, but will shift when the gain steps to a different
• Vper = vortex period (for factory use only).
• Vcyc = vortex cycle (for factory use only).
• V = calculated average pipe velocity (ft/sec).
• Re = calculated Reynolds number.
• Tot = totalizer value in the same units as the display.
• wt = totalizer fraction, in lb. Counts up until the next round
number is reached in terms of the displayed units, then the to-
talizer increments, and the wt value starts again at zero.
• it = totalizer iteration. Counts the total, in lb, and rolls over to
zero at 1000 lb.
• Kc = profile equation (factory use only). Series 221 only.
• It = profile equation (factory use only). Series 221 only.
• Kb = profile equation (factory use only). Series 221 only.
• b = profile equation (factory use only). Series 221 only.
Column Two Hidden Diagnostics Values
• 4-20, Zero = Analog counts to calibrate zero on analog output.
• 4-20, FScale = Analog counts to calibrate full scale on analog out-
• Vor Freq Direct? = Frequency output setting, used by factory dur-
ing calibration. Set to NO if totalizer is used.
• Disable ReCorct = Disable Reynolds number correction. Set to
YES for series 220 in-line and set to NO for series 221 insertion.
• Gain Control = Manual gain control (factory use only). Leave set at
255 to activate automatic gain control.
• Filter control = Manual filter control. This value can be changed to
any number to force the fi value to a constant. A value of zero acti-
vates the automatic filter control which sets fi at a level that floats
above the f value.
4-2 IM-22-C