Series 220/221 Instruction Manual Chapter 4 Troubleshooting & Repair
• Pre-Filt Water? = Pre-filter for liquid applications. YES for all liq-
uid applications and NO for all gas or steam applications. Always
set to NO for ½” and ¾” meters due to the high vortex shedding fre-
• Total in EEprom =
totalizer value in the same units as the dis-
• Config Code = Configuration Code (unused).
• Factory Defaults = Reset to factory defaults. If you change this to
YES and press ENTER, all factory configuration is lost and you
must reconfigure the entire program. Consult the factory before per-
forming this process, it is required only in very rare cases.
• Test Pulse Out = Force totalizer pulse. Set to YES and press
ENTER to send one pulse. Very useful to test totalizer counting
Analog Output Calibration
To check the 4–20 mA circuit, connect a DVM in series with the output
loop. Select zero or full scale (from the second column of the hidden di-
agnostics) and then actuate the enter key twice. This action will cause the
meter to output its 4 mA or 20 mA condition. If the DVM indicates a
current greater than ± 0.006 mA from 4 or 20, adjust the setting up or
down until the output is calibrated. Note: these settings are not for adjust-
ing the output zero and span to match a flow range, that function is lo-
cated in the Output Menu.
Troubleshooting the Flow Meter
Symptom: Output at no Flow
1. The low flow cutoff is set too low. At no flow, go to the first column
of the hidden diagnostics menu and record the G and A values.
Calculate the value of A/G. The low flow cutoff must be set above
this value.
Example: at no flow, G = 100 and A = 2500. A/G = 25. Set the low
flow cutoff in the Calibration Menu to approximately 28 and the me-
ter will no longer read a flow rate at no flow.
Symptom: Erratic Output
1. The flow rate may be too low, just at the cutoff of the meter range,
and the flow cycles above and below the cutoff making an erratic
output. The meter range is stamped on the label on the outside of the
electronics enclosure cover (based on application conditions when
the meter was ordered). Consult the factory if necessary to confirm
the meter range based on current operating conditions. It may be
possible to lower the low flow cutoff to increase the meter range.
See the example above for output at no flow, only this time the low
flow cutoff is set too high. You can lower this value to increase the
meter range as long as you do not create the output at no flow condi-
tion previously described.
IM-22-C 4-3