If enabled, press and hold any of the soft zone keys for two
seconds to report an alarm condition (see also Block 4, CL
148 (Report Routing)). The local sounder (Block 2, CL 158 -
160) will also be activated.
Soft Zone Enable (Medical, Police, and Fire)
Key: Med Police Fire
Cmd Loc 155 156 157
Default 1 1 1
Range 1 - 2 1 - 2 1 - 2
Soft Zone Audible Cadence
Key: Med Police Fire
Cmd Loc 158 159 160
Default 3 2 4
Range 1 - 7 1 - 7 1 - 7
1 Keypad Buzzer
2 Pulsing Sounder (1.5S on/off)
3 Steady Sounder
4 Temporal Code 3 (0.5S on/
0.5S off 2x, 0.5 S on/ 1.5 S off)
5 On 1 Min./ Off 30S
(repeated twice)
6 On 1 Min./ Off 30S
(repeated 5x)
7 Silent
These Options program the opera-
tion of the internal and external
sounders in response to the Medi-
cal, Police, and Fire (soft zone)
keys. Both internal and external
sounders will operate together. Pro-
gramming Options 5 and 6 also limit
the duration of the sounder out-
Block 3 - Armed System Programming
This Block is divided into 54 Command Locations (CL 001 - 054). This Block allows the installer to set the Arming Type, Enable
Autohome, and set the three Quick functions. In addition, the Installer can select the Keypad functions, Cross-Zoning and
Double-Knock functions, Auto Arming and Disarming, and other miscellaneous functions.
1 Goof-Proof
2 Force Arming
3 Chirp-Alert
This option determines the conditions necessary
in order to arm the system (zone status, etc.).
For additional details on arming options, refer to
the S5090 Reference Manual.
Arming Type
Cmd Loc 001
Default 1
Range 1 - 3
If enabled, arming the system without exiting the premises
will cause the system to automatically home arm (bypass all
zones programmed in Block 2, CL 151 - 154). Perimeter
zones will be armed with all delays active.
Autohome Enable
Cmd Loc 002
Default 1
Range 1 - 2
If enabled, quick arming allows the user to arm the system
without entering a user code. Quick arming pertains to full
arming, home arming, and instant arming. System delays
programmed for those functions will be in effect. (See the
S5090 Reference Manual for details on arming features.)
Quick Arming Enable
Cmd Loc 003
Default 2
Range 1 - 2
These four (4) command locations determine
which zones will be automatically bypassed
when the user home arms the system.
The home arm bypass list is divided into
groups of 8 zones each. The value entered is
the total of all zones in the group to be auto-
matically bypassed.
Home Arm Bypass List
Zones: 1 - 8 9 - 16 17 - 24 25 - 32
Cmd Loc 151 152 153 154
Default 0 0 0 0
Range 0 - 255 0 - 255 0 - 255 0 - 255
0 Disabled
1 Zone 1 9 17 25
2 Zone 2 10 18 26
4 Zone 3 11 19 27
8 Zone 4 12 20 28
16 Zone 5 13 21 29
32 Zone 6 14 22 30
64 Zone 7 15 23 31
128 Zone 8 16 24 32
Block 2 - Zone Configuration Programming (cont.)
If enabled, quick exit allows the user to Home arm the sys-
tem and then leave the premises at a later time, without the
need to disarm and re-arm the system. Pressing and hold-
ing the [Home] key for two seconds will invoke the quick exit
Quick Exit Enable
Cmd Loc 005
Default 1
Range 1 - 2
If enabled, allows the system to be disarmed using the Dis-
arm button on a SpreadNet SN991-REMOTE or SN961-
KEYFOB. With this option enabled, the Door button on the
SN991-REMOTE or SN990-KEYPAD may also be used to
activate a relay (see Block 7, CL 001 - 011, option 2).
SpreadNet Single Button Disarming Enable
Cmd Loc 004
Default 2
Range 1 - 2