Limits the number of alarm signals reported and/or annunciated during an
armed period. Additional alarms will not be indicated. Setting the limit to
zero (0) indicates unlimited signals reported. In partitioned systems, this
limit pertains to ALL partitions (areas).
Swinger Alarm Lockout Limit
Cmd Loc 029
Default 0
Range 0 - 15
Determines the number of times the
sounders (bells) will indicate an alarm
condition during an armed period.
Audible Output Limits
Cmd Loc 030
Default 2
Range 1 - 3
1 Unlimited Local Audibles.
2 One Audible per Zone.
3 One Audible per Area.
Auto-Arming may be enabled for any or all partitions. If
enabled, the system will be automatically armed each
day at the time specified in Block 3, CL 023 and 024. All
partitions will auto-arm using the same timer.
When programming the time of day for auto-arming,
use the 24-hour format. (Add 12 hours for afternoon
and evening times.)
The internal sounder will sound a warning two min-
utes and again at one minute prior to the Automatic
Arming of the system.
Auto-Arming Enable (Area)
Cmd Loc 022
Default 0
Range 0 - 255
Auto-Arming Time (Hours)
Cmd Loc 023
Default 0
Range 0 - 23
Auto-Arming Time (Minutes)
Cmd Loc 024
Default 0
Range 0 - 59
This will automatically disarm the partitions indicated
according to the information programmed into Block
3, CL 026 - 028. The value programmed is a total of all
areas to auto-disarm within the system.
Auto-Disarming Enable (Area)
Cmd Loc 025
Default 0
Range 0 - 255
0 Disabled
1 Saturday
2 Friday
4 Thursday
8 Wednesday
16 Tuesday
32 Monday
64 Sunday
0 Disabled
1 Area 1
2 Area 2
4 Area 3
8 Area 4
16 Area 5
32 Area 6
64 Area 7
128 Area 8
0 Disabled
1 Area 1
2 Area 2
4 Area 3
8 Area 4
16 Area 5
32 Area 6
64 Area 7
128 Area 8
Auto-Disarming Enable (Day of Week)
Cmd Loc 026
Default 0
Range 0 - 127
Auto-Disarming Time (Hours)
Cmd Loc 027
Default 0
Range 0 - 23
Auto-Disarming Time (Minutes)
Cmd Loc 028
Default 0
Range 0 - 59
This will automatically disarm the areas specified
in Block 3, CL 025. Auto-disarm will occur on the
days programmed (Block 3, CL 026) and at the
time specified (Block 3, CL 027 - 028). The value
programmed in Block 3, CL 026 is the total of all
days to auto-disarm the system.
When programming the time of day for auto-dis-
arming, use the 24-hour format. (Add 12 hours for
afternoon and evening times.)
Determines if powered loop
(zone 8) or switched aux
power will be reset for fire
alarm verification.
Fire Verification Enable
Cmd Loc 031
Default 1
Range 1 - 4
1 No Verification
2 Powered Loop Verify Only
3 Switched Aux Verify Only
4 Powered Loop and Switched Aux
Block 3 - Armed System Programming (cont.)
Specifies the number of minutes AC power must be interrupted before an
AC power fail report is sent.
AC Power Loss Delay Before Report (Minutes)
Cmd Loc 032
Default 15
Range 1 - 255
The interval (in hours) between battery tests. If programmed for 0, the test
is disabled. This test is conducted each time the system is reset. Additional
tests follow the test interval specified.
Battery Test Interval (Hours)
Cmd Loc 033
Default 24
Range 0 - 24