TophatEffectiveArea Factor
TophatEffectiveDiameter Effective Area
TophatFactor Effective Diam Divergence Results
These properties provide individual Divergence Fit LBA-PC results. For more information, see
chapter 6 in the LBA-PC Operator’s Manual.
Property Name LBA-PC Result
DivergenceX Divergence X
DivergenceY Divergence Y Statistics Results
The Statistics property provides all of the LBA-PC statistical results in a two-dimensional array of
doubles packaged as a Variant. Each row of the array contains the statistical results for a
particular LBA-PC result. For each row, the columns contain the Mean, Standard Deviation,
Minimum, and Maximum.
The results are loaded into the array in the following order:
1. Quantitative
2. Elliptical
3. Gauss Fit – whole beam
4. Gauss Fit – major axis
5. Gauss Fit – minor axis
6. Top Hat – whole beam
7. Top Hat – major axis
8. Top Hat – minor axis
9. Divergence
This is the same order as listed in sections 3.1.15 through 3.1.19 above under individual results
properties (also the same order as displayed in the LBA-PC Results Window).
The leftmost index is identical to the index used to access the Results property. The rightmost
index is defined as follows:
0 Mean
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10