I Integer. ASCII numeric value in integer format.
B Boolean. ASCII numeric integer value.
0 = false. 1 = true.
F Fixed/Floating. ASCII numeric value in fixed or floating point
S String. Series of ASCII characters. Note that the backslash,
“\”, has special meaning in strings known as an escape
sequence. To specify a single backslash, you must send two.
For example: “c:\\spiricon\\lba300pc\\lbapc.cfg” is interpreted
as “c:\spiricon\lba300pc\lbapc.cfg”.
Although other escape
sequences are recognized there is no reason ever to use them
with LBA-PC.
T Time. ASCII numeric integer values in the form
D Date. ASCII numeric integer values in the form MM/DD/YY.
You can obtain the current settings associated with any configuration command by sending the
command followed by the query character, “?”. Any parameters that are part of a query command is
a command error, unless they are specifically allowed in the command description.
Configuration query commands return all of the keys for the specified configuration in the following
CCC key=value;key=value;…;key=value;key=value;(^END)
Other query commands respond in ways that are specific to a particular command. See the individual
command listings in Appendix A for details.
The following example illustrates the process for setting the Crosshair Location Mode to Peak.
Host sends
:DIS Crosshair=3(^END)
The following example illustrates the process for querying the current Aperture configuration.
Host sends
LBA-PC sends
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC