QUIRC User Guide
name objname Set object name
name is used to set the object name which will be written to the FITS header.
pupil num command Set pupil position
This command sets the pupil position. If no pupil number is given, a list of available
pupils are given and the current pupil position is shown. If the pupil number is different
from the current, the pupil slide is moved to the new position. Note that the positions are
separated by 7500 steps of the motor, so it takes many minutes to move to a new position.
The pupil can be moved to the reference position by typing pu home.
The command pu switch will report on the position of the pupil/filter wheel 2
switch. The same motor controller is used for these motors, and only one can be in
operation at any time, selected by the switch on the utility (black) box on the QUIRC
dewar. This command tells whether it is in the PUPIL or FILTER position.
For fine adjustment of the pupil position, the commands pu FO and pu BA will
move the pupil 10 or -10 steps, respectively. This can be used to move the pupil by small
amounts near its nominal position.
rc Xnx Xny read array
rc reads out the array, and if the auto-write flag is set, rc will write the resulting image
to a disk file.
set param n Set parameter
Certain program parameters can be set or unset with this command. To set a param-
eter, for example “save", one issues the command set save. To unset, the command
set nosave is used. Alternatively, one can type set save 1 and set save 0
to turn it on or off. Below are the available parameters:
clobber – If on, existing files will be automatically overwritten. If off, the program
will ask for confirmation from the user before overwriting files.
chop – Turns chopping on or off. Also can be set via the auto command.
beep – Causes the program to beep after each detector readout, and other operations.
Can be annoying.
vfout – Directs qcdcom to send commands to vf to display the most recent image.
save – Turns auto save on or off. Also can be set via the auto command.
longshut – Sets the long shutter mode. In this mode, the shutter is opened before
the initial reset of the observation is done, and keeps it open until after the final
read is completed. Because of the array read time, the minimum integration time
is about 11 seconds. This mode can be used if one wants to avoid the background
from the warm shutter when taking exposures of faint fields. Note that if any bright
objects are in the field the detector will likely saturate on those sources.
shutter (open|close) Commands the specified shutter action.
status Show status
status shows the current parameters.