QUIRC User Guide
3.1 Workstation setup
The program is run from a workstation in the control room, currently io (or halley on the 88”).
There is one configuration file that qcdcom reads upon startup to determine the telescope, secondary,
and other information. There are four preset configuration files currently used, located in the directory
These files are for the 0.6m, the 88” at
10, the 88” at 31, and CFHT at 8. To install the
proper file, a symbolic link should be made in that directory called tel
config that points to the
appropriate configuration. For example, to set up for the 88” at
% rm /aux/inst/qconf/tel_config
% ln -s tel_config_22_f31_quirc /aux/inst/qconf/tel_config
This step only needs to be done once when the telescope or secondary changes, and should already
be set up properly for the current configuration. Be careful not to delete the configuration files
One xterm should be devoted to the camera program. The qcdcom program does not provide an
integrated image display capability. A separate program should be used to display the data. One
option is to use the viewfits program (vf). This is a display program developed by Tony Denault at
the IRTF that displays images and has statistical and graphical analysis features. A link has been
provided from qcdcom to this program that displays images automatically. The program can be run
by typing the following in any window:
To display images automatically, one must set the data directory to be the same as where qcdcom is
storing the FITS files. This is done by clicking on the “File" button and entering the proper path. One
must also issue the command set vfout in qcdcom to enable the link so that data are displayed
automatically. See the section on vf below for more information.
The saoimage program can also be used to display the QUIRC images. The observer should open a
saoimage window on the camera workstation. The command line usually must be edited to read in
the fits file. This can be done by pressing the “n" key (for the “new" command) while in the saoimage
window. For example,
-imtool -fits /scr/aug11/q940811.004
would read in file number 4. When in chop mode, qcdcom writes each chop position to a separate
file, and the chop difference to a file ending in “chop" instead of the file number.