Chapter 4 MonComm Software
4.0 Introduction
Included with the SQM-160 is a Windows 95/98 program, MonComm. MonComm is
used to setup instrument parameters, graph, and save instrument readings.
4.1 Installation
1. Insert installation Disk 1 into your computer’s A Drive.
2. In Windows 95/98 select Start, then Run. Type A:\Setup, then click OK.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
4.2 Run MonComm
Before starting the MonComm program, connect the SQM-160 to your computer with
the straight-thru DB-9 cable supplied.
In Windows 95/98 select Start, Programs,
MonComm 1.0, MonComm to start the
The main MonComm screen will appear. If the
SQM-160 was located by the program,
MON Ver X.XX will appear below the menu.
If “No Instrument Found” appears instead,
check your connections, and click Find
Instrument to try again.
At this point, the download list displays the last
films downloaded to the SQM-160. To display
the setup currently stored in the SQM-160,
click Load Unit Films. The Download list is
updated with the SQM-160 films.