Chapter 4 MonComm Software
4.3 Add and Delete Films
To add a new film to the Films List:
1. Click the New Film button.
2. A film named NewFilm# will be added to the end of the films list.
3. Click on this film to highlight it.
4. Change the name of the film - up to eight characters are allowed.
5. Select the material for the film from the Material combo box.
6. The density and the Z-factor for the material will be automatically
changed to that of selected material. Both parameters can be
edited if desired.
7. Change the tooling for the film to the desired percentage.
8. Set the thickness setpoint, final thickness,
and the time setpoint to the desired values
for the film.
9. Select the channels to enable for the film.
A checked box indicates the channel is
enabled for the film. If only two channels
are available, then enabling a channel
above 2 will have no effect.
To delete a film from the Films List:
1. Highlight the film to be deleted by clicking it once in the Films list
2. Click on the Delete Film button.