
To maintain the initial level of performance of the printer and to prevent future problems from
occurring, observe the following precautions.
1.2.1 Design Precautions
Design precautions
z If too much energy is applied to the thermal head, it may overheat and become damaged.
Always use the printer with the specified amount of energy.
z The current capacity of the thermal head is 13.6A. Design the circuit so that the average
current does not exceed this value. (However, when the current capacity standard of
harness is MAX.1A/pin, since the numbers of VP and GND pins are 8 pins and 9 pins,
respectively, the current will be 8A and 9A each.
z Use C-MOS IC chips (74HC240 or equivalent) for interfacing the CLK, LATCH, DAT and
DST signals of the thermal head.
z When turning the power on or off, always DISABLE (put in “high” state) the DST terminals.
z To prevent the thermal head from being damaged by static electricity:
Fix the printer to the Frame Ground (FG) by FG connection portions shown in Figure
7-1 to Figure 7-3.
Connect the GND terminal (SG) to FG through an approximately 1 M resistor.
z Keep the Vp power off while not printing in order to prevent the thermal head from being
electrically corroded. In addition, design the printer so that the signal GND of the thermal
head and the frame GND of the printer mechanism become the same electric potential.
z Wire resistance should be 50 m or less and 30 cm or less (however the less the better)
between the power supply and the Vp, and the GND terminals on the thermal head
controller. Maintain a considerable distance from signal lines to reduce electrical
z A surge voltage between Vp and GND should not exceed 28 V.
z As a noise countermeasure, connect the capacitor noted below between the Vdd and GND
terminals near the thermal head control connector.
Capacitor: 0.1 µF/15 V (aluminum electrolytic)
z Always detect the outputs of the platen position and paper detectors. Incorrect activation of
the thermal head may reduce the life of the thermal head and the platen and damage them.
z The head activation time period may become longer according to the printing condition. If
so, hold the phase of the motor and keep the pause time of the head activation for 0.1 msec
or more. A continuous printing without a pause time may damage the thermal head.