
Table 3-6 DST Blocks and Activated Heat Elements (LTPF247)
DST Number Heat Element Number Dots/DST
DST 1 1 to 192 192
DST 2 193 to 448 256
3.5.2 Printed Position of the Data (LTPF247)
192 data dots from No.1 to No.192 which are transferred through DAT IN1 terminal and 256 data dots
from No.193 to No.448 are printed as shown in Figure 3-10.
For No.1 to No.8 of 192 data dots transferred from the DATA IN1 and No.441 to No.448 of 256 dots
data transferred from the DATA IN2, set the NULL data.
Figure 3-10 Printed Position of the Data (LTPF247)
LTPF247 printer mechanism
1 2 3 4 5 6 ................... 446 447 448
Paper feed direction
Print surface
Data print sequence
DATA IN1 Data input sequence 1 2 . . . . . . 191 192
Data in
DATA IN2 Data input sequence 193 194 . . . . . . 447 448