
MVDS X-1 User's Guide
Name Details
H Width
Specify a width of horizontal synchronization signal by dot clock.
H Period Specify a period for horizontal synchronization by dot clock.
H Back Porch
Specify the Back Porch of horizontal synchronization signal
by dot clock.
V Width
Specify a width of vertical synchronization signal by
horizontal synchronization signal.
V Period
Specify a period for vertical synchronization signal by
horizontal synchronization signal.
V Back Porch Specify the Back Porch by horizontal synchronization signal.
H.Width Oset
Displays the oset value for H.Width setting that you may
have congured from receivers. This value is added to
H.Width setting and then take eect in the video image.
(* The conguration from receiver is not currently supported.)
H.Period Oset
Displays the oset value for H.Period setting that you may
have congured from receivers. This value is added to
H.Period setting and then take eect in the video image.
(* The conguration from receiver is not currently supported.)
H.Back Porch Oset
Displays the oset value for H.Back Porch setting that you
may have congured from receivers. This value is added to
H.Back Porch setting and then take eect in the video image.
(* The conguration from receiver is not currently supported.)
V.Width Oset
Displays the oset value for V.Width setting that you may
have congured from receivers. This value is added to
V.Width setting and then take eect in the video image.
(* The conguration from receiver is not currently supported.)
V.Period Oset
Displays the oset value for V.Period setting that you may
have congured from receivers. This value is added to
V.Period setting and then take eect in the video image.
(* The conguration from receiver is not currently supported.)
V.Back Porch Oset
Displays the oset value for V.Back Porch setting that you
may have congured from receivers. This value is added to
V.Back Porch setting and then take eect in the video image.
(* The conguration from receiver is not currently supported.)
Baudrate (bps) Specify a baudrate.
Bit length Specify a bit length.
Stop bit Specify a stop bit.
Parity Specify a parity check method.
Flow control Specify a ow control method.
Data timeout Specify a serial input timeout by millisecond.
Buer Buering Level Specify the number of buer for retransmission.