3.Monitor and Maintenance
Congures Dynamic Node control for transmitter.
Shows the list and status of receivers connected to a particular group and changes
the transmission method.
Dynamic Node (at transmitter)
Name Details
Dynamic Coordinators
Display a list of the discovered groups. The group number in
red is the group where the transmitter belongs to. The group
number is last 8 digits of Mac Address of the transmitter.
Display a list of receivers. Also, the method to transfer data
to receivers can be switched here.
Name Details
Multicast Distributing data in multicast.
Unicast Distributing data in unicast.
Receiving data from other transmitter, or data
distribution is disabled.
By changing "Multicast" or "Unicast" to "OFF", the data
distribution to the receiver is disabled. By changing "OFF"
to "Multicast" or "Unicast", the distribution is enabled (the
receiver is added to the group).
"RSSI" indicates a signal strength of each receiver.
<Dynamic Node>
Change the method of transmission to receiver.