C H A P T E R 4
Usingyour roomsystem
To share aPowerPoint file, the user clicks Presentation in Lync software and then selects
PowerPoint. By default, otherusers can write or draw overthe PowerPoint file but must click
Content and then select TakeOverasPresenter (on the console)or press the arrow buttons
and then press Yes when prompted to take overas the presenter(on interactive flat panels)
before doing so.
l The user sharing the PowerPoint file must select PowerPoint and share thePowerPoint
file (rather thanthe PowerPoint application)to enable otherusers to write ordraw over the
PowerPoint file.
l The user sharing the PowerPoint file can choose to prevent or allow other writers to write
or draw over the file.
To write or draw digital ink over slides from the interactive flat panels, users can press the mode
bar (up or down arrow), press Annotate and then write or draw usingtheir finger orone of the
interactive flat panel pens.
Users can also press Enable Media to show any embedded videos in the PowerPoint files.
Using the whiteboard feature
To start a digital whiteboard during ameeting, users can press New Whiteboard on the
interactive flat panels or the console. A new whiteboardsession appears on one of the interactive
flat panels. Users can use the interactive flat panel’s pens and eraser to write, draw anderase
digital ink. Alternatively, they can use theirfingers to write or draw digital ink and their fists or
palms to erase it.
In addition to writing, drawing and erasing digital ink, users can move digital ink and other objects
in the whiteboard file and create additional whiteboard files.
Remote participants see thewhiteboard session in real time andcan add theirown digital ink
notes to it as part of a collaborative effort.
At the end of the meeting, the users can press Email Whiteboard on the consoleto email the
If users haven’t starteda meeting (see Startingmeetings and whiteboard sessions on page 22)
but still want to use the whiteboardfeature, they can press StartWhiteboard on the interactive
flat panels or the console.