C H A P T E R 5
Maintainingyour roomsystem
Turning off your room system
For some maintenance procedures, you need to turn off your room system.
To turn off your room system
1. On the console, press Options and then press Restart.
2. When the screens are blank orwhen the SMART logo appears, use the power switches on
the bottoms of the interactive flat panels to turn off the room system.
Small room Medium room Large room (×2)
Updating software and firmware
At a scheduled time each night, your room system checks forupdates to its software and
firmware from Windows® Update. It then installs any updates and restarts.
Youcan also manually check for updates.
To manually check for updates
1. On the console, press Options and then press Settings.
The Enter yourcredentials screenappears.
2. Type the room system administrator account’s user name and password in the text boxes
and then press Authenticate.
The room system restarts.
3. Type the room system administrator account’s user name and password and then press
The Settings screen appears.
4. Press Web Updates.
5. Press Check Updates and Install.
Lync Room System software checks for and installs any updates.
6. Press Apply and Restart.