
snom technology AG 45
[ S N O M 4 S N A T F I L T E R ]
The algorithm for searching the outbound proxy is simple. The
filter first goes through to the list of outbound proxies and tries to match
the hostname in the request-URI of the request to the provided Domain.
If it does not find a match, it will take the outbound proxy in the general
settings (if provided). If it does find a match, it will replace the hostname
part of the request-URI with the Replacement and then send it to the
Outbound Proxy. Note that like in all routing decisions, the filter fully
supports RFC3264; that means transport layer (tcp, tls, udp) and final
destination are determined through DNS NAPTR, SRV and A lookups.
4.7 System Information
In the system information you can check the exact build number
and the license type. We also include license information on this web
4.8 Server Log
This web page shows the log information that is kept in the mem-
ory (see above). It is independent from the logging information written
to the log file.
You find two links that clear the log. Please remember that press
ing the reload button on the web browser asks the NAT Filter to clear the
log again. To refresh, you should press the link for refreshing the log. For
your convenience, these links are available at the top and the bottom of
the page.