
snom technology AG 61
The simple network management protocol (SNMP) is a widely
used protocol for checking what’s going on in your network. When you run
the SBC, you probably also want to see statistics about the usage and get
alarms when something goes wrong.
6.1 Setup of the SBC
The setup of SNMP on the SBC side is very simple. Essentially,
you have to perform two steps:
Select the port on which the SNMP server should listen. By default,
this would be port 161, but on a host that runs other SNMP services
as well you might want to choose another port. This step must be
done in the Port Binding web page.
Tell the SBC from which addresses to accept SNMP requests. In the
Security Settings web page, you find the setting “Trusted IP Ad
dresses” in the SNMP section. Enter the IP addresses (separated by
a space) or the IP address range here. The SBC will accept requests
only from these addresses.
The IP addresses must be in the form dots-and-number nota
tion. The SBC does not perform a DNS resolution of the addresses. If you
want to specify a range of addresses use the form Adr/Bits, where bits is
a number indicating how many bits of the IP address should be consid-
ered. For example, the string “” would match addresses until
6.2 Setup of the Tools
The setup of the tools varies from tool to tool. Because the SBC
does not offer a standard set of values (such as CPU temperature, disk