r esearch & development
Sony’s R&D strategy
The importance of R&D and its management
Sony’s philosophy regarding R&D was set forth
by Masaru Ibuka in the Founding Prospectus
when he established the company: “To estab-
lish an ideal factory that stresses a spirit of
freedom and open-mindedness, and where
engineers with sincere motivation can exercise
their technological skills to the highest level.”
Today, Sony carries on its tradition of fostering
freedom in research while concurrently man-
aging R&D by efficiently focusing management
resources in strategic fields.
How research priorities are determined
Sony has a virtually unlimited selection of key
technologies. To identify which of these will
have the potential to deliver revolutionary
devices and products, Sony holds the Technol-
ogy Round Table, at which senior manage-
ment and research engineers gather to
formulate strategies consistent with Sony’s
R&D road map. These Round Tables are also
responsible for determining how management
resources should be concentrated within
strategic fields.
Biped robot
Sony’s DNA: Freedom and
Sony has created an environment of freedom and open-mindedness
in which its researchers and developers can give free rein to their
imaginations while managing research and development by effi-
ciently focusing management resources in strategic fields
R&D and Sony’s intellectual property strategy
There are many R&D accomplishments that are
of vital strategic importance to Sony. Three
operating units—R&D, business and intellec-
tual property—all combine to forge Sony’s
intellectual property strategy, ensuring that
these assets are properly protected and effec-
tively utilized.
Sony is acutely aware of the importance of
utilizing intellectual property to reinforce its
competitive edge and, to this end, frames an
intellectual property portfolio suited to each
business unit and determines policy for the use
of each. This approach entails the acquisition
of intellectual property assets for Sony’s exclu-
sive use, as well as establishing cross-licensing
rights and taking other actions as required,
giving Sony more flexibility in its business
operations. Moreover, the standardization of
basic technologies has become an increasingly
important issue with the growth of digital
networks in recent years. In response, Sony is
actively pursuing alliances, licenses and other
means to increase the utilization of technolo-
gies in its patent portfolio.
Strategic fields for the
next three years
Sony is focusing on semiconductors, dis-
plays and home servers as its key strategic
fields for R&D over the next three years
In electronics, added value has migrated from
finished products to key components. In light of
this, Sony regards the semiconductor business
as one of its most important R&D priorities.
Sony’s semiconductor business has steadily
raised its profile in terms of production value, as
well as in capital expenditure and R&D spend-
ing. In the short and medium terms, central
R&D themes will concentrate on functional
components, particularly CCDs, where Sony
holds the number one worldwide market share,
and semiconductor lasers. Another priority is
System-on-Chip (SoC) components, which
integrate an enormous number of processors
and memories. Components incorporating
these technologies play a central role in enabling
Sony to supply highly distinctive digital con-
sumer electronics and game products with
increasingly sophisticated functions.