
Operating Results for the Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2004 compared with the Fiscal Year
Ended March 31, 2003
Although the global economy showed some
signs of growth in the fiscal year ended March
31, 2004, the political situation, especially in
Iraq, and concern about potential terrorist
attacks led to a continued sense of uncertainty
regarding the economy. In Japan, although the
stock market showed signs of recovery, ques-
tions remained about the sustainability of
economic growth and the strength of the
recovery in consumer spending.
Despite these market conditions and the
impact of the translation of financial results into
yen, in accordance with Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles in the U.S. (“U.S. GAAP”),
the currency in which Sony’s financial state-
ments are prepared, Sony’s sales and operating
revenue (“sales”) for the fiscal year ended
March 31, 2004 increased 0.3 percent com-
pared with the previous fiscal year. Sales to
outside customers in the Electronics segment
increased, and revenue in the Financial Services
segment increased due to improvements in
valuation gains and losses at Sony Life Insurance
Co., Ltd. (“Sony Life”), despite a decrease in
sales in the Game, Pictures and Music segments.
Operating income decreased 46.7 percent
compared with the previous fiscal year. This
decrease was mainly due to the increase in re-
structuring charges in the Electronics segment,
the decrease in sales and increase in research
and development costs in the Game segment,
and the absence of profits contributed by the
breakaway performance of Spider-Man in the
previous fiscal year in the Pictures segment.
Partially offsetting the decrease in operating
income were the improvements in valuation
gains and losses from investments in the
general account at Sony Life in the Financial
Services segment, and the benefits of restruc-
turing, a decrease in restructuring charges and
a reduction in advertising and promotion ex-
penses in the Music segment.
On a local currency basis (regarding refer-
ences to results of operations expressed on a
local currency basis, refer to “Foreign Exchange
Fluctuations and Risk Hedging” below), Sony’s
sales for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004
increased approximately 3 percent, and oper-
ating income decreased approximately 47
percent compared with the previous fiscal year.
For more detailed information about restruc-
turing, please refer to Note 17 of Notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements. In addition,
refer to “Trend Information” below for more
information on planned restructuring efforts.
In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004,
Sony recorded restructuring charges of 168.1
billion yen, an increase from the 106.3 billion
yen recorded in the previous fiscal year. The
primary restructuring activities were in the
Electronics, Music and Pictures segments.
Of the total 168.1 billion yen, Sony re-
corded 133.4 billion yen in personnel related
costs. This expense was incurred because
9,000 people, mainly in Japan, the U.S. and
Western Europe, left the company primarily
through early retirement programs. Of the
9,000 people, 5,000 were people who left the
company in Japan.
Restructuring charges in the Electronics seg-
ment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004
were 143.3 billion yen, compared to 72.5 billion
yen in the previous fiscal year, and exceeded
the 135.0 billion yen total estimated at the
beginning of the fiscal year.
In the year ended March 31, 2004, Sony
made a decision to shut down certain TV
display CRT manufacturing operations in
Japan to rationalize production facilities and
downsize its business, due to a contraction in
the market and a shift in demand from CRT
televisions to plasma and liquid crystal display
(“LCD”) panel televisions. Restructuring
charges associated with the shut down totaled
8.5 billion yen, and consisted of 3.1 billion yen
in personnel related costs and 5.3 billion yen in
non-cash equipment impairment, disposal and
other costs. Of the 8.5 billion yen in restructur-
ing charges, 0.2 billion yen was recorded in
cost of sales; 3.1 billion yen was included in
selling, general and administrative expense,
and 5.2 billion yen was included in loss on
sale, disposal or impairment of assets, net.
In addition to the above restructuring
effort, during the year ended March 31,
2004, the Electronics segment accelerated
the implementation of headcount reduction
through early retirement programs resulting
in personnel related costs of 114.0 billion yen,
an increase of 96.4 billion yen compared to
the previous year. Of the 9,000 people who
left the company on a consolidated basis, the
majority came from the Electronics segment.
Headcount of relatively high-paid white collar
employees in Japan, the U.S. and Western
Europe was reduced through early retirement
programs while headcount increased at
manufacturing facilities in East Asia, particularly
in China.
Due to the continued contraction of the world-
wide music market due to slow worldwide
economic growth, the saturation of the CD
market, the effects of piracy and other illegal
duplication, parallel imports, pricing pressures
and the diversification of customer preferences,
Sony has been actively repositioning the Music
segment for the future by looking to create a
more effective and profitable business model.
As a result, the Music segment has undergone
Operating and Financial Review and Prospects
Sony Corporation and Consolidated Subsidiaries