Clearing the Message Icon
Press > Messaging > Voicemail > Clear Count > Yes.
Editing Your Voicemail Number
When you are roaming outside of the Telecom Network, you
may need to change the number to dial to access your voicemail
To change the number:
1. Select > Messaging >Voicemail > Edit Voicemail#.
2. Edit your voicemail number and press .
To reset your voicemail number:
1. Select > Messaging >Voicemail > Edit Voicemail#.
2. Press Options (right softkey) > Reset Voicemail# > Yes.
3. Press .
Responding to Call Waiting
When you are on a call, Call Waiting alerts you to incoming calls
by sounding beeps. Your phone’s screen informs you that
another call is coming in and displays the caller’s phone number
(if available).
To respond to an incoming call while you’re on a call:
Press . This puts the first caller on hold and answers the
second call.
To switch back to the first caller:
Press again.
Note: Call Waiting is a network service. Please call to