
10. Push 2 Talk
Push 2 Talk allows you to enjoy quick, two-way, walkie-talkie-
stylecommunication with your friends, family, and co-workers.
You can make 1-to-1 or 1-to-many calls (up to 5 others on the
same call) to any other Push 2 Talk user, anywhere on the
Network. You can make and receive Push 2 Talk calls when your
phone displays or .
Note: Enabling Push 2 Talk affects the phone’s talk and standby times.
Starting Push 2 Talk
Setting Push 2 Talk Mode
1. Select > Settings > Push 2 Talk > Enable/Disable > Enable or
Disable. (The default setting is Disable.)
Enable to make or receive Push 2 Talk calls any time your
phone is not in use.
Disable to disable your phones Push 2 Talk service; you
will not be able to make or receive Push 2 Talk calls or
access your Push 2 Talk Contacts entries.
Push 2 Talk Call Alerts
There are several ways your phone alerts you during Push 2 Talk
When you make or receive a Push 2 Talk call:
The phone beeps (depending on the Ringer Type).
The backlight illuminates.
The screen displays a Push 2 Talk call message.
The other partys Push 2 Talk number and name (if available)
are displayed.
The screen displays who has the floor.
The status of a Push 2 Talk call:
The Green LED On indicates you have the floor and may speak.
The Red LED On indicates another contact has the floor.
The LED Off indicates the floor is open. (You can take the
floor and speak by pressing and holding the Push 2 Talk key
on the left side of your phone.)
10. Push 2 Talk 89