
Your choice of a SPIRIT STUDIO console has provided
you with a professional product capable of top quality
recording. But good results will only come through ex-
perience and time spent understanding the facilities on
your console. Recording sessions must focus on the
creativity of the artists, and not be disrupted by unfa-
miliarity and difficulty with the operation of the console.
It is important to recognise, and learn by experiment,
the importance of correct choice of inputs, microphone
placement and control settings.
The fold-out front panel drawing shows suitable initial
control positions to get you started.
INITIAL SET UPINITIAL SET UP The diagram on page 5 demonstrated how the match-
ing of input gain to the signal source was crucial to
avoid distortion at one extreme and excessive noise at
the other. Set up individual input channel as follows:
Connect the Control Room outputs to a suitable am-
plifier and monitor loudspeakers.
Connect the input required (microphone, keyboard
Note: Phantom powered mics should be connected
before the +48V is switched on. Connect the Group
outputs to your tape machine inputs, and the tape
outputs to the tape returns on selected input chan-
Set Master and Group faders at 0 and input faders
to the 0 marking.
Provide a typical level of source signal and press the
PFL button on the particular channel, monitoring the
level on the right-hand meter.
Adjust the input gain until the meter is just reaching
the amber section (0dB) at a typical maximum
source level. This allows sufficient headroom to ac-
commodate peaks and establishes the maximum
level for normal operation. Note that the gain may
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