change with alteration in EQ settings, and should be
rechecked later if necessary.
• Repeat this procedure on other channels as required.
Next, the Group faders must be adjusted to give an op-
timum level to the tape machine.
• Route an input channel to the first pair of groups us-
ing the routing switches beside the channel fader.
• Feed the input channel with a typical maximum sig-
nal level.
• Set up the Tape Machine so that its input levels are
displayed on the Track Meters.
• Adjust the Group fader to give a nominal Record
Level. Refer to your Tape Machine manual for guid-
ance if required.
Now you should set up a comfortable listening level or
the Control Room Loudspeakers.
• Feed a typical maximum signal level to an input
channel and press the corresponding PFL button.
Adjust C/RM & PHONES Level (55) to give a maxi-
mum comfortable listening level from the
loudspeakers. Release the PFL button once the ad-
justment is complete.
A stereo Monitor Mix can be set up using the Monitor
Level and Pan controls on those channels fed by the
tape machine outputs.
Recording TracksRecording Tracks Tape tracks may be recorded in two basic ways, and
the following assumes that you have connected a suit-
able multitrack machine to the Tape Sends on the first
few Inputs. Remember to set the appropriate tracks on
the tape machine into RECORD on the required tracks,
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