Soundscape Mixpander
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Select the input and output buses you have created as inputs and outputs for the Cubase audio
track channels using the selection boxes at the top of each channel. For mono track channels you
will need to select left or right alternatively:
This is how the input/output selections read on our test system while creating this example:
8. In Cubase, place the Project Cursor at the time position of your choice, arm the audio tracks you
want to record to using the track arming buttons in the Mixer or in the Track column to the left of
the Project window, press Record and start your sound sources (if the Cubase Mixer is displayed,
you will see a signal in the audio input channel meters).
9. Press Stop. You should see the recorded audio parts displaying a waveform.
10. Place the Project Cursor at the beginning of the recording you have made and press Play. The
recorded parts will be played back via the output buses you have chosen. A signal will show in the
audio track channel meters and output channel meters of the Cubase Mixer.