Soundscape Mixpander
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2. Technical Specifications
SSL Soundscape Mixpander
SSL Soundscape Mixpander/9
• Motorola 56301 80MHz DSP for Bus Master PCI interfacing and up to 36 channel full
duplex 24-bit audio streaming via 36 buses. The Multi-client SLL (Super Low Latency)
drivers are fully Bus Mastering for minimal load on the host PC.
• 8 x Motorola 56362 100MHz DSP, 6 with 384kB and 2 with 1.5MB of fast SRAM. The total
processing capability is up to 2.6 GIPS (Giga Instructions per Second).
SSL Soundscape Mixpander/5
• Motorola 56301 80MHz DSP for Bus Master PCI interfacing and up to 36 channel full
duplex 24-bit audio streaming via 36 buses. The Multi-client SLL (Super Low Latency)
drivers are fully Bus Mastering for minimal load on the host PC.
• 4 x Motorola 56362 100MHz DSP, 3 with 384kB and 1 with 1.5MB of fast SRAM. The total
processing capability is up to 1.4 GIPS (Giga Instructions per Second).
SSL Soundscape Mixpander/9 and Mixpander/5
• On board configurable 36 bus digital mixer with full 5.1 surround processing, real-time
plug-in capability and 64 inputs and outputs to and from other host PC applications via the
PCI bus and drivers.
• Expansion Bus connector on the rear bracket for connection to Alpha-Link AX, Alpha-Link
MADI-AX or Alpha-Link MADI-SX. The bi-directional bus includes WordClock and
• Sample Rates: 10kHz to 96kHz, supplied via Expansion Bus.
Soundscape format DSP-powered plug-ins
Many high quality software plug-ins are available for the SSL Soundscape Mixer platform, both
from specialist third party companies and from Solid State Logic. Visit our website for further
details on available optional plug-ins for the SSL Soundscape Mixpander.