5. Grass and leaf transport
Using dump cart 13-1979 (Standard) or
13-1988 (Maxi).
6. Fertiliser spreading
Using fertiliser spreader 13-1987. Can also be
used for spreading grass seed.
7. Sand spreading
Using sand spreader 13-1975. Can also be used
for spreading salt. Snow chains 13-1956 and
wheel weights 13-1982 are recommended.
8. Weeding on gravel paths
Using front mounted hoe 13-1944 and rear
mounted rake 13-1969.
9. Lawn edge trimming
Using edge trimmer 13-1972.
10.Moss scarification
Using flail mower 13-1977 equipped with
special moss scarifier 13-1986.
The maximum vertical load on the towing hitch
must not exceed 100 N.
The maximum over-run load on the towing hitch
from towed accessories must not exceed 500 N.
You can fill with fuel and check the oil level in the
engine by removing the engine cover. You do this
by lifting it upwards and backwards (fig 34).
NOTE that, to check the oil level on the Pro16-
Pro18 models, you must remove the entire engine
Do not use the machine without first fit-
ting the engine casing, otherwise there
is a risk of burn injuries or crushing ac-
Always use lead-free petrol. Never use
oil-mixed petrol.
NOTE! Bear in mind that petrol is a perishable, do
not purchase more petrol than can be used within
30 days.
Petrol is highly inflammable. Always
store petrol in containers that are made
specially for this purpose.
Fill or top up with petrol only outdoors,
and never smoke when filling or top-
ping up. Fill with petrol before starting
the motor. Never remove the filler cap
or fill with petrol while the motor is
running or still warm.
On delivery the crankcase is filled with SAE 30
Check the oil level every time before using to
ensure it is correct. The machine should be
standing on level ground.
Wipe clean round the oil dipstick, remove
it and wipe off. Push down the dipstick
fully and screw it in.
Then unscrew it and pull it up again. Read off the
oil level. Top up with oil to the “FULL” mark if the
level comes below it (fig 7 - 8).
OIL LEVEL (President- Pro16 -
The transmission is filled with SAE 20W-50 oil
when the machine is delivered from the factory,
Check the oil level every time before using to
ensure it is correct. The machine should be
standing on level ground.
Unscrew the oil dipstick (fig 9). Read off the oil
level. It should be within the xx markings.
Read off the oil level in the reservoir (fig 10). It
should be between the MAX and MIN marks.
If necessary, top up with SAE 20W-50 oil.
It is important that you observe clean-
ness when handling oil for the transmis-
sion. There must not be any particles of
dirt in the system as dirt can easily
cause total failure of the transmission.
This machine is equipped with a safety system that
consists of:
- a switch on the gear box (only Classic)
- a switch at the brake pedal
- a switch in the seat mounting
- a switch at the power take-off engagement