er side.
5. Tighten the pedal stop locking nut.
The forward movement of the drive
pedal must not be restricted by the end
position of the transmission, otherwise
serious damage may arise.
6. Then adjust the pedal stop under the rear part of
the drive pedal. The backward movement of the
drive pedal should be about half the forward move-
After the machine has been in operation for a few
hours the steering cables should be adjusted.
Put the machine in the straight ahead position.
Tension the steering cables by tightening up the
nuts at T. The screws in the ends of the cables
should be held firmly during adjustment. Use an
adjustable wrench or similar for the purpose, in-
serting it in the key handles in the ends of the
screws (fig 28).
Adjust both cables so that the distance between the
pulley at U and the chain is the same on both sides
of the machine.
Tension the cables until they are no longer slack.
Once adjustment is complete, turn the steering
wheel as far as it will go in either direction. Check
that the chain does not come in contact with the
pulley, and that the cables do not become entan-
gled with the steering pinions.
(Pro16 - Pro18)
The steering chain must be adjusted after every 50
hours of use.
Put the machine in a "straight on" position.
Tension the steering chain by tightening the nuts T
(fig 33). Adjust until all play is removed.
Do not over-tighten the steering chain. This will
cause the steering to become heavy and increase
wear on the steering chain.
Do not adjust the brake so hard that it 'locks' when
the brake pedal is not pressed and while the ma-
chine is in operation.
Adjust the brake cable on the cable adjusters V so
that the brake arm is about 1 mm from the stop
when the brake pedal is in the released position
(figs 24 and 29 - 30).
Slacken the lock nut and screw in the adjusting nut
X (fig 30). Tighten the lock nut.
Adjust the brake cable to allow about 10 mm play
in the brake pedal. Adjust the play by means of the
cable adjusters Y (figs 25 and 31).
After adjustment, make sure the clutch
is always activated before the brake.
If it is not, adjust the separate clutch cable W (fig
Adjust the combined brake/clutch cable to allow
about 10 mm play in the brake pedal. Adjust the
play by means of the cable adjusters Y (fig 26).
When adjusting, make sure the cable's
clutch function is always actived before
the brake function.
Then adjust the brake drum with the help of the ad-
justing nut Z (fig 32).
STIGA reserves the right to make changes in the product
without prior notice.