11-14 Maintenance and service
& Changing the oil and oil filter
Change the oil and oil filter according to
the maintenance schedule in the “War-
ranty and Maintenance Booklet”.
The engine oil and oi l filter must be
changed more frequently than listed in
the maintenance schedule when driving
on dusty roads, when short trips are
frequently made, or when dri ving in
extremely cold weather.
1. Warm up the engine by letting the
engine idle for approximately 10 minutes
to ease draining the engine oil.
2. Park the vehicle on a level surface and
stop the engine.
3. Remove the oil filler cap.
2.5 L non-turbo models
2.5 L turbo models
3.6 L models
4. Drain out the engine oil by removing
the drain plug while the engine is still
warm. The used oil should be drained into
an appropriate container and disposed of
Be careful not to burn yourself with
hot engine oil.
5. Wipe the seating surface and around
the drain plug with a clean cloth and
tighten it securely with a new sealing
washer after the oil has complete ly
drained out.
2.5 L non-turbo models