
13-10 Consumer information and Reporting safety defects
accessory weight, and normal oc-
cupant weight (distributed in accor-
dance with Table 1 that is ap-
pended to the end of this section)
and dividing by 2.
. Wheel-holding fixture
The fixture used to hold the wheel
and tire assembly securely during
Table 1 Occupant loading and distribution for vehicle normal load for
various designated seating capacities
Designated seating
capacity, number of
Vehicle normal load,
number of occupants
Occupant distribution in a
normally loaded vehicle
2 through 4 2 2 in front.
5 through 10 3
2 in front, 1 in second
11 through 15 5
2 in front, 1 in second
seat, 1 in third seat, 1 in
fourth seat.
16 through 22 7
2 in front, 2 in second
seat, 2 in third seat, 1 in
fourth seat.