Chapter 1 Configuring DR 3
Caution – Before you switch to DR 3.0 in a domain that is running the Solaris 8
10/01 operating environment, you must upgrade the SSP software to version 3.5
because previous versions of SSP do not support DR 3.0 operations.
For more information about using DR 2.0, see the the Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic
Reconfiguration (DR) User Guide (part number 806-7616-10). For more information
about using DR 3.0, see the Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) User
Guide (part number 816-3627-10).
Enhancements in DR Model 3.0
The DR 3.0 model offers the following enhancements to DR 2.0:
■ DR 3.0 has a framework that offers better integration with applications, through
the Reconfiguration Coordination Manager.
■ DR 3.0 supports network multipathing using IPMP.
Where to Execute DR Commands
You execute DR operations from either of two places: from the system service
processor (SSP) by using the SSP commands—addboard(1M), moveboard(1M),
deleteboard(1M), rcfgadm(1M), and showdevices(1M); or from the domain,
using the cfgadm(1M) command.
Requirements for Multipathing in DR 3.0
To use multipathing on DR model 3.0 domains, run IPMP (the IP multi-pathing
software provided with the Solaris 8 operating environment) and MPxIO software,
included in Solaris Kernal Update Patches 111412-02, 111413-02, 111095-02, 111096-02,
and 111097-02.
Getting Started
Before you run DR operations on your domain, you must
■ Be familiar with how devices must be configured before DR detach operations, as
explained in “Device Prerequisites” on page 14.