4 Sun Enterprise 10000 DR Configuration Guide • May 2002
■ Verify that you have sufficient swap space for your domain.
For details, see “Allocating Sufficient Domain Swap Space” on page 15.
■ Qualify any third-party device drivers, as described in “Qualifying Third-Party
Device Drivers” on page 15.
Device Prerequisites
DR requires that drivers for devices on boards involved in DR detach operations be
■ Detach-safe or not currently loaded
A detach-safe driver supports the device driver interface (DDI) function,
DDI_DETACH. This function provides the ability to detach a particular instance of
a driver without affecting other instances that are servicing other devices.
A detach-unsafe driver is one that does not support DDI_DETACH. If a detach-
unsafe driver is loaded, you must unload it before performing a DR detach
operation. For details on unloading a detach-unsafe device, see “Preparing for DR
Detach Operations” on page 19.
■ Suspend-safe or closed
A suspend-safe device driver supports the quiescence (pausing) of the Solaris
operating environment during the detach of a board that contains nonpageable
OBP or kernel memory. In order for DR to perform the detach, the operating
environment must temporarily suspend all processes, processors, and device
activities to unconfigure the memory component.
A suspend-safe device supports the DDI_SUSPEND/DDI_RESUME function. This
function enables a device to be suspended during a system quiescence and then
resumed. The device managed by the driver will not attempt to access the domain
centerplane (for example, it does not access memory or interrupt the system),
even if the device is open when the suspend request is made. The quiescence only
affects the target domain; other domains are not affected.
If a driver does not support the function DDI_SUSPEND/DDI_RESUME, the device
is considered to be suspend-unsafe because the operating environment cannot
quiesce if a suspend-unsafe device is present. If a system quiescence is required
for a DR detach operation, you must manually suspend a suspend-unsafe device
so that the quiescence can occur. For details, see “To Manually Suspend a
Suspend-Unsafe Device” on page 111.