
4. Once the instances are stopped, click Start Instances.
Verifying HTTP Session Failover
The steps for testing session data failover are similar for testing load balancing as
described in the topic Verifying Load Balancing on page 20. This time Session Data
is preserved after failure. Failover is transparent to the user because the sample
application is congured for automatic retry after failure.
To Verify HTTP Session Failover
1. To display the rst page of the clusterjsp application, type this URL in your
Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Web Server is
running on.
Replace the web_server_port variable with the value of the port attribute of the LS
element in web_server_install_dir/https-hostname/config/server.xml. For this
example, port 38000 is used.
A page similar to what you saw in To Verify the Application Deployment
on page 16 appears.
2. Examine the Session and Host information displayed. For example:
Executed From Server: localhost
Server Port Number: 38000
Executed Server IP Address:
Session ID: 41880f618e4593e14fb5d0ac434b1
Session Created: Wed Feb 23 15:23:18 PST 2005
3. View the server access log les to determine which application server instance is
serving the application. The log les are located here:
Solaris Java Enterprise System installation:
Linux Java Enterprise System installation:
32 Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide