
9. When a command prompt window opens to prompt you for the admin password
and the master password, enter the passwords that you provided during
A window appears with a message telling that you the server is starting:
Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
Log redirected to domain_dir\domain1\logs\server.log...
When the startup process has completed, you see an additional message:
Domain domain1 started.
Press any key to continue ...
10. Press a key to close the message window.
Logging in to the Admin Console
The Admin Console is a browser interface that simplies a variety of administration
and conguration tasks. It is commonly used to:
Deploy and undeploy applications
Enable, disable, and manage applications
Congure resources and other server settings
Congure clusters and node agents
Manage server instances and clusters
Select and view log les
For further information about using the Admin Console, consult the online help or the
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration Guide.
To Log In to the Admin Console
1. Type this URL in your browser:
https:// localhost:4849/asadmin
Because the Admin Console is a secure web application, you must use https
instead of http.
Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Domain Admin
Server is running on.
4849 is the Admin Consoles default port number. If you changed the port number
during the installation, use that number instead.
Chapter 1 Quick Start 9