
104 Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series Troubleshooting Guide March 2002
If both T Ports go offline, you might see messages like the following. Note the
virtualization engine Event alerting the LUN failover.
Site : Lab 3286 - DSQA1 Broomfield
Source : diag.xxxxx.xxx.com
Severity : Warning (Actionable)
Category : Ve
DeviceId : ve:6257335A-30303142
EventType: AlarmEvent.volume
EventTime: 01/30/2002 11:49:05
Volume T49152 on diag209-v1a changed from 6257335A-30303142(active=50020F23-
00006DFA,passive=) to 6257335A-30303142(active=50020F23-
This event occurs when the virtualization engine has detected a
change in status for a Multipath Drive or VLUN,
usually meaning a pathing problem to a Sun StorEdge T3+ array controller
for changes in Active/Passive paths
2. Check Sun StorEdge T3+ array for current LUN ownership. (‘port listmap‘)
3. Use ‘mpdrive failback‘ if needed to fail LUNs back to
correct controller if needed
Site : Lab 3286 - DSQA1 Broomfield
Source : diag.xxxxx.xxx.com
Severity : Warning
Category : Message
DeviceId : message:diag.xxxxx.xxx.com
EventType: LogEvent.driver.SSD_WARN
EventTime: 01/30/2002 11:50:07
Found 1 ’driver.SSD_WARN’ warning(s) in logfile: /var/adm/messages on
diag.xxxxx.xxx.com (id=809f76b4):
SSD warnings
Jan 30 11:49:48 WWN: Received 7 ’SSD Warning’ message(s) on ’ssd56’ in 8
mins [threshold is 5 in 24hours] Last-Message: ’diag.xxxxx.xxx.com scsi:
[ID 243001 kern.warning] WARNING: /scsi_vhci/
ssd@g29000060220041956257335a30303145 (ssd56): ’
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