
Contents v
For Internal Use Only
To Verify Configuration Settings 47
To Clear the Lock File 50
5. Troubleshooting Host Devices 53
Host Event Grid 53
Using the Host Event Grid 53
Replacing the Master, Alternate Master, and Slave Monitoring Host 57
To Replace the Master Host 57
To Replace the Alternate Master or Slave Monitoring Host 58
Conclusion 59
6. Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Devices 61
Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Switch Description 61
To Diagnose and Troubleshoot Switch Hardware 62
Switch Event Grid 62
Using the Switch Event Grid 62
Replacing the Master Midplane 68
To Replace the Master Midplane 68
Conclusion 68
7. Troubleshooting Virtualization Engine Devices 69
Virtualization Engine Description 69
Virtualization Engine Diagnostics 70
Service Request Numbers 70
Service and Diagnostic Codes 70
To Retrieve Service Information 70
CLI Interface 70
To Display Log Files and Retrieve SRNs 71
To Clear the Log 72