
Code Samples xi
CODE EXAMPLE 3-46 Variables for the setupdomain Command 80
CODE EXAMPLE 3-47 setupplatform Output 84
CODE EXAMPLE 3-48 showboards Command for the Platform Shell 87
CODE EXAMPLE 3-49 showboards -a Command for the Domain Shell 89
CODE EXAMPLE 3-50 showcomponent sb4 Sample Output 91
CODE EXAMPLE 3-51 showcomponent ib6 Sample Output 92
CODE EXAMPLE 3-52 showdate Command for the Platform Shell 94
CODE EXAMPLE 3-53 showdomain Command Example 96
CODE EXAMPLE 3-54 showdomain -v Command Example 97
CODE EXAMPLE 3-55 showdomain -p bootparams Example Displaying Boot Parameter Information 98
CODE EXAMPLE 3-56 showenvironment Platform Shell and Domain Shell Example 102
CODE EXAMPLE 3-57 showkeyswitch Example Showing the Keyswitch Set to On 105
CODE EXAMPLE 3-58 showkeyswitch Example Showing the Keyswitch Set to Off 105
CODE EXAMPLE 3-59 showkeyswitch Example Showing the Keyswitch Set to Standby 105
CODE EXAMPLE 3-60 Sample Output of the showlogs Command Run After Rebooting the System 107
CODE EXAMPLE 3-61 showplatform Output for a Sun Fire 6800 System 109
CODE EXAMPLE 3-62 showplatform -v Output for a Sun Fire 6800 System 110
CODE EXAMPLE 3-63 showsc Command 115
CODE EXAMPLE 3-64 testboard Example Testing CPU/Memory Board sb0 117