
Chapter 3 System Controller Alphabetical Command Reference 49
Powers off components.
platform shell, domain shell
Syntax for the Platform Shell
poweroff [-y|-n] all|grid#|component_name [component_name . . . ]
poweroff -h
Syntax for the Domain Shell
poweroff [-y|-n] all|component_name [component_name . . . ]
poweroff -h
-h displays help for this command.
-y will answer yes to any question. This option is potentially hazardous. You can
forcefully power off a component with the -y option.
-n answers no to any question. You cannot forcefully power off a component with
the -n option.
component_name is the component name.
Platform shell component_name(s):
all turns off all currently controllable components.
Power grid (grid0, grid1). The Sun Fire 6800 system has two power grids: grid0
and grid1. Grid 1 controls power supplies ps3, ps4, and ps5. All other mid-range
systems have one power grid, grid0. This grid controls power supplies ps0, ps1,
and ps2.
Power supply (ps0 - ps5)
CPU/Memory board (sb0 - sb5)
I/O assembly (ib6 - ib9)
Repeater board (rp0 - rp3)
Fan tray (ft0 - ft3)