Appendix C SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility C-11
SCSI Timeout Indicates the maximum amount of time [0 to 9999] in
seconds to wait for a SCSI operation to complete.
Since timeouts provide a safeguard that allows the system
to recover if an operation fails, it is recommended to use a
value greater than zero. A value of zero allows unlimited
time for an operation to complete and could result in the
system hanging (waiting forever) if an operation fails.
Press Enter, type in a value and then press Enter again to
specify a new timeout value.
Queue Tags Indicates whether to allow the use of queue tags for a
device. Currently the BIOS does not use queue tags. This
item specifies queue-tag control to higher-level device
Boot Choice Indicates whether this device may possibly be selected as
the boot device. This option is only applicable to devices
attached to adapter number zero (in the boot list) on
non-BBS systems. It provides primitive BBS flexibility to
non-BBS systems.
Press Enter to obtain default settings.
TABLE C-8 Device Properties (Continued)
Option Description