Chapter 3 Maintaining the Sun Fire V20z Server
Super FRU chassis PN 380-1194 (Sun Fire V20z server)
For this release:
Super FRU chassis PN F380-1194 is sent as a replacement for chassis PN 380-1194
You can only use CPU stepping version E.
You cannot use CPU stepping versions C0 and CG.
With CPU stepping version E, you must use the CPU VRM PN F370-7746 (due to
the higher wattage requirements for this CPU).
You can use Registered DDR 333 or DDR 400 memory DIMMs.
In this Super FRU release, you must use the memory VRM PN F370-7747, due to
the higher speed of the DIMMs. This is the supported memory VRM for this
Super FRU, and it covers both the DRR 333 and DDR 400 memory DIMMs. Solaris 9 OS Install-Time Update for a Super-FRU
If you want to install the Solaris™ 9 Operating System (OS) on an updated release of
the Sun Fire V20z server (either chassis PN 380-1168 or PN 380-1194), you must
download a Solaris OS Install-Time Update (ITU) from the Web site. This ITU is
required during OS installation.
If you want to install the Solaris 9 OS on an updated release of the Sun Fire V40z
server, you must also download this Solaris OS ITU from the Web site. This ITU is
required during OS installation.
The Solaris OS ITU is available from the product Web site: