
4 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide July 2007 Rev A 312651601
Verify VSM GUI Hardware Prerequisites
Verify the VSM GUI PC hardware requirements in TABLE 2-2.
Verify VSM GUI Software Prerequisites
Verify the VSM GUI PC software requirements in TABLE 2-3.
Verify Installation Materials
VSM GUI is delivered on a product installation tape or on a CD-ROM. Before
attempting to install VSM GUI, make sure you have the VSM GUI 6.2.0 product
installation tape or CD-ROM.
TABLE 2-2 VSM GUI PC Hardware Requirements
Hardware Description Minimum Requirement Recommended System
System unit Pentium III, 512MB of memory, 256 colors, mouse Pentium IV, 1024MB of memory,
64K colors, mouse
CD-ROM drive present present
Monitor 1024 x 768 pixels with 256 colors 1280 x 1024 pixels with 64K colors
network card present present
TABLE 2-3 VSM GUI Software Requirements
Software Description
PC Windowing System Microsoft Windows XP or newer
PC TCP/IP for communications between the VSM GUI
PC component and the MVS HTTP server
The 32-bit WINSOCK TCP/IP supplied with the
Windows versions listed above is required to enable the
GUI to transfer configuration data between the
workstation and the mainframe. Customers can also
transfer configuration data using other facilities
(external to the GUI) if desired.
Web Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.x or later or
Mozilla/FireFox 1.4 or higher
VTCS VTCS 6.0.0, 6.1.0 or 6.2.0 and prerequisites