
312651601 Rev A Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring the VSM GUI 13
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Set Up the SMP/E Environment and
Install the Software
Caution – Do not install the VSM GUI and its supporting SAS/C functions in an
SMP/E CSI containing other Sun StorageTek products with SAS/C functions you want
to preserve. Otherwise, unpredictable results may occur.
However, if you already have ExPR installed:
The VSM GUI should be installed in the
same SMP/E CSI so as to share the HTTPD server (the HTTPD server and SAS/C
runtime library files are the same on both tapes). SMP/E will determine what needs to
be installed.
Caution – VSM GUI version 6.2 cannot coexist with previous VSM GUI versions in the
same SMP/E CSI because of data set conflicts.
Caution – Co-existing with ExPR GUI for the same SMP/E environment will require
the relevant ExPR GUI maintenance patches (PTF) for the HTTPD server base function
and SAS/C function.
Caution – The High Level Qualifiers you will use for the SMP/E data set is restricted
to no more than 23 characters. This is to ensure that all the data sets received for the
product will comply with the 44 character maximum length data set name, imposed by
the operating system.
The SMP/E JCL Data Set contains jobs to create the SMP/E environment (allocating
data sets, setting SMP/E options, and so forth) in addition to the SMP/E
APPLY and ACCEPT jobs.
For more information, see the following members:
@@NOTES - General notes on installation process
@@TOC - Table of contents for the members
Each job also contains usage notes that describe what needs to be changed.