LS 9208 Product Reference Guide
• Chapter 10, 123Scan (PC based scanner configuration tool) provides the bar code
you must scan to communicate with the 123Scan program.
• Chapter 11, Symbologies describes all symbology features and provides the
programming bar codes necessary for selecting these features for your scanner.
• Chapter 12, Miscellaneous Scanner Options includes commonly used bar codes to
customize how your data is transmitted to your host device.
• Chapter 13, Advanced Data Formatting (ADF) describes how to customize
scanned data before transmitting to the host.
• Appendix A, Standard Default Parameters provides a table of all host devices and
miscellaneous scanner defaults.
• Appendix B, Programming Reference provides a table of AIM code identifiers,
ASCII character conversions, and keyboard maps.
• Appendix C, Sample Bar Codes includes sample bar codes.
• Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes includes the numeric bar codes to scan for
parameters requiring specific numeric values.